What’s Coming in 2019

I’ve had a blast writing this blog for the past few months. Talking to friends and family, it seems like folks have enjoyed reading it as well. So, I’m going to start taking this more seriously.

In 2019, I want to double-down on what I think has worked best so far: big deep-dives into a specific ingredient set, drink reviews/recreations, and sharing good recipes. I also want to publish more original recipes and write more historical vignettes relevant to the overall topic.

I’m going to do this all seasonally to limit the focus (but not too much). Winter will be all citrus and a little spice. Spring will be hearty herbs, flowers, and bulbs. Summer will be stone fruits. Fall will be apples, nuts, and squash. Everything still primarily focused on booze.

I’ll also be separating out the blog from the rest of my life a bit. So, make sure you follow @mixingingredientsblog on Instagram to get daily content while the blog will be updated less frequently (1-2 posts a week).

If you want to use my recipes, be sure to download Highball! Save the recipe images from the blog or my IG stories, then import them to the app to save and manipulate as you see fit. The best option for this I’ve found by far, and they haven’t officially supported it in years.

If there’s anything else you want to see here, let me know! I’m looking forward to diving into all things citrus when I get home.

Happy New Year everyone!

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