Winter Flask Cocktail #2 – Bourbon Street Sipper

A lot of my friends are in NOLA for Mardi Gras or Rio for Carnival, and we had paczki at work this week, so it felt right that while I’m in the sunny PNW I should make some drinks that would fit with those celebrations. Those happen to work great as flask cocktails, so one made an appearance on the mountain today (before I sprained my wrist like a dummy).


This drink is inspired mostly by a boulvardier, which is essentially a Negroni with the bourbon swapped in for gin and should be on your home bar rotation. Since vermouth breaks the rules of flask cocktails, I sub in a bit of Grand Marnier instead to still get some spicy sweetness. I also have the drink rely much more on a high-proof bourbon than the standard drink does for some extra belly-warming properties that are necessary in the snow.

Making the Drink

This one doesn’t involve any dilution at all – I think the flavors work best purely straight. So, just add 3 parts high-proof bourbon, 1 part Grand Marnier, and 1 part Campari to a flask and give it a like shake to combine.

Tasting Notes

The bourbon is obviously the star here, so that’s what you’ll notice first. But it’s a bit sweeter up front from the liqueur and then finishes more bitter from the Campari. It’s a more well-rounded sip than bourbon straight, but it’s not so different so pumped full of other ingredients that it’s too different from a batch old fashioned.


Any liqueur that generally works well with bourbon could sub in here to alter the specific sweet / spicy notes to your preference. The Campari could also be replaced with a good amount of cocktail bitters if you want to pump up that competent.

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